1) “Individuals importing Goods and applying for Duty and VAT Exemption will be allowed to import Goods valued at $3,000.00 or less without NEMA’s approval, once they accompany their goods and complete the NEMA Application and the regular C-18 Customs Forms. In this specific case, Customs alone will be able to provide approval at the point of importation.

2) “Individuals importing goods on a Customs C-13 “Home Consumption Form” may do so without the prior approval of NEMA, provided that the value of Goods being imported is less than $10,000.00. In this case, the individual must complete a NEMA Verification Of Damage Form (see attached) and a Customs Officer of a rank of no less than Superintendent will be responsible for approving the release of the qualifies goods at the point of importation.

3) Tips for completing the NEMA Verification of Damage Form.

Step 1 – NB. If certain of the information being requested in the NEMA Verification of Damage Form does not apply to your family situation, please note “N/A”. All field on the application must be completed. Details of the supplies being imported must be itemized and valued on page 3 of the application and supported by receipts/invoices. See Attachment “Duty Free Goods Granted For Relief” under the Exigency Order.

Step 2 – Once Application is completed, please sign and date the application form in the spaces provided on page 2. NB. The information in the application must be truthful and verifiable.

Step 3 – Submit completed and signed application to NEMA (i.e. 2nd Floor National Insurance Building) for approval and certification.

See links below for forms and relevant information.



nema_duty-free-importation-form_2016 customs_-form-c-17

