Monthly Business Luncheon – Presenter: Ms. Sarah St. George
Ms. Sarah St. George ,Vice Chairman, The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited Topic: The economic rebound of Freeport; as it relates to the extension of the HCA. Friday, July 15, 2016 @ 12:30 P.M. Coral Reef Room, Canal [...]
GB Chamber Installation 2016
Mr. Kevin D. Seymour, our Chamber’s returning president and his newly elected Board of Directors will be duly installed during the evening. This year, we have opted for an informal evening setting of music, dancing and wholesome [...]
Signing a Cooperative Agreement with Hubei China
ICYMI: President Kevin D. Seymour signing a Cooperative Agreement with Hubei China on behalf of The Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce at Monday's Trade Mission.
GBPC Introduces Solar to Energy Mix
The Grand Bahama Power Company (GBPC) plans to introduce Solar generation technology to its energy mix in 2016. In its rate submission filed with the Grand Bahama Port Authority in August, GBPC outlined solar as [...]
GBCC Philanthropic Business/Business Person Of The Year Award
Bahamas Striping Group of companies is pleased to congratulate President Atario J. Mitchell and Caribbean Pavement Solutions Limited (CPSL) for being nominated in two categories at the Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce Excellence Awards Ceremony [...]